Orthopedic – Cervical Pillow


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SKU: FM002


When you look at how our bodies are made and how the spinal structure works, our bodies are nothing short of amazing. We’ve discussed before how it’s important to keep our spine healthy and maintain flexibility in our vertebrae and disks to prevent neck pain and back pain.

One way to keep your neck properly aligned is to sleep with a cervical pillow. A proper fitting cervical pillow can help you maintain the normal cervical curve while sleeping on your back, allowing your muscles and ligaments to relax and regain their normal length. This specialized pillow can also aid side sleepers by preventing unnatural bending in the neck. It will offer support where your traditional pillow will not. Your pillow should always support the back of your neck and the head.


A major benefit to sleeping with a cervical pillow is that it actually helps improve your posture while you sleep. They can also improve your sleep by relieving and supporting tense muscles in your neck and shoulders, increasing blood flow to your head.





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Orthopedic – Cervical Pillow



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